14 Days Stay Singapore by Chihro Kabata & Yuuri Kabata (Japan)

INSTINC's online "14 Days Stay Home Notice" event, held during the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, took the form of a 7-day relay of posts by artists from different countries around the world who were in different situations. Each of them shared their 7-day postings. Chihiro focused on how she spent her time in Japan and how the lockdown gently disrupted her ordinary reading, sports, and eating routine. Yuuri's photo work linked haiku, traditional Japanese short poems, with ikebana, to the events in Japan, such as travel restrictions and the cancellation of the Olympics caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In 2022, amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic, its remnants, and the global travel restrictions, Chihiro and Yuuri were able to come to Singapore for the first time in two years. During their stay in Singapore, they created "Finding the Colour", a series of artworks in which they collected images and clips with memorable "colours" during their short visit and compiled them as video works with text. In Japanese, the phrase "losing colour" means "to be surprised and astonished". The series wishes to translate how we can find colour in the world again despite potentially having lost colour in our astonishment towards daily events due to the Pandemic.


About Chihiro Kabata - Chihiro Kabata is a Japanese artist whose drawings and sculptures accumulate delicate ink lines into powerful visions. Chihiro Kabata's medium of choice — ballpoint pen on paper – is deceptively humble, making the final result all the more unanticipated. Her works combine old Japan's visual idioms and the metaphysics of contemporary art.
She is a practicing visual artist originally from Tokyo, Japan. She received her MFA from Musashino Art University. Chihiro Kabata has had numerous solo and group exhibitions internationally. Venues have included the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, The Ueno Royal Museum, Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore ( ICAS ), gallery alpha M ( Musashino Art University ), Zibo museum, Pyeongtack museum, Nam-Seoul university gallery, Art Front Gallery at Tokyo, kashya Hildebrand at Switzerland, and others. She was noticed in The College Art Association 101ST ANNUAL CONFERENCE NEW YORK (CAA).

IG: https://www.instagram.com/kabatachihiro/

About Yuuri Kabata - Yuuri Kabata born and practice in JAPAN.Yuuri is a self‐taught visual artist. Currently based in Tokyo, Japan, Yuuri has had solo and group exhibitions internationally. Venues have included the Art Front Gallery, Meipam, Mitsui Art, Gallery G-wings, Gallery Valuer, Shinjuku Ophthalmologist Gallery, ART TRACE Gallery, Sato Museum, Nakanojo Biennale, Zibo art museum at China, Pyongtek museum at Korea, IANG Gallery at Korea, and Youkobo art space.
IG: https://www.instagram.com/yuurikabata/




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